calculate my age
Do you know how old you are in days? hours ? Minutes ? Seconds?
Do you know how old you would have been if you had lived on another planet, such as Jupiter?
If you want to know all this, just enter your date of birth for the day, month, year and go.
You can find out and calculate your real life and many details about it quickly and easily and without free internet internet you can convert your age to all the planets in the solar system with great accuracy and in simple steps and in a fast way.
Application features:
❥ Calculate real life in years, months, days, minutes, seconds and milliseconds with the click of a button
❥ Calculate and know the date of your next birthday on the earth and the rest of the planets in the solar system (such as : Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune)
❥ Small and fast application
❥ Available in most languages of the world
❥ The application includes an explanation of the calculation method and the operation of the calculator within the application
Please update the application periodically, if you have any problems contact the developer: